Atlas Curriculm Maps
"Atlas" is the Augusta School Department’s curriculum mapping site. There you can browse district courses that are being taught in our K-12 schools. You will be able to review the standards, content, and skills for each district map you browse. These maps are always a work in progress and will continually change to reflect current standards and instructional practices. Please contact your child’s teacher or building administrator for any additional information you may require.
Due to the collaborative nature of our curriculum mapping process, searching by individual teacher name may not yield results. Please search by course, subject, or grade to find the classes you are interested in. Blank or empty courses may be "under construction" or not currently taught.
Curriculum Review
The purpose of the Augusta School Department’s Curriculum Review Cycle is: to ensure that the district is engaged in a regular review of its required curriculum; to keep our curriculum aligned with the Maine Learning Results, and other required standards; and to guide decisions on the purchase and implementation of instructional materials
Gifted and Talented Program
The Augusta School Department's GT Program services qualified students in academics and the arts in grades K-12. We have a uniform identification process for each content area and services in content areas are unique to each identified gifted student.
Title 1 Services
The Title I Program, delivered in the elementary schools, is a schoolwide program that provides comprehensive strategies that address the needs of all students in the school. The aim in schoolwide programs is to create a holistic and integrated approach to improving edcuational outcomes.
Math K-6

IM v.360 is a certified curriculum that is rigorous, problem based, and fully aligned to the Maine Learning Results with coherence across grade spans. Students using IM v. 360 grow positive math identities through the development of deep understanding of math concepts. They build fluency with procedures and solve engaging math problems. IM v.360 is an inclusive program from warm-up to cool down that incorporates individual, small group, and whole group learning.
All K-8 students have access to IXL to help them reinforce and master essential skills at their own level of learning. IXL works to build student fluency and confidence and includes interactive built in supports and alignment to IM v.360 and NWEA content.